Guarantee and impartiality terms

Guarantee terms

In accordance with the document for the “Determination of suitable and objective systems for collecting and certifying data relating to exhibitors and visitors of  internationally and nationally qualified trade fairs” approved by the Italian public agency Conference of the Presidents of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, with its resolution of the 16th of December 2004, ISFCERT has established standardised methods and procedures for measuring and verifying quantitative and qualitative data concerning visitors, exhibitors and exhibition spaces.

Impartiality terms

ISFCERT’s Committee for  Safeguarding Impartiality (CSI) guarantees impartiality through a commission made  of entities having, in various capacities, documented authoritative expertise on the dynamics of the national and international exhibition industry. Likewise, the members of      the “Committee for safeguarding impartiality” have characteristics of total independence, since they do not have direct economic relationships with the potential customers of ISFCERT (organisers of trade fairs).

The committee’s task is to monitor the ISFCERT procedures and behaviors      and its bodies in carrying out the Certification process, so that ISFCERT’s impartiality is guaranteed towards the relative market.


ISFCERT certifies the fundamental information in relation  to trade fairs in order to:

  • promote the trade fair industry internationally by encouraging the use of the standard for measuring trade fair statistics ISO25639: 2008;
  • protect the right to have concrete and precise information for those attending trade fairs in order to know the real value of the event;
  • strengthen the credibility and the ranking of trade fairs on the national and international markets
  • create a feeling of trust in the trade fair event from foreign participants



  • number of visitors and visits
  • number of  foreign and domestic visitors
  • number of general and/or trade visitors


  • number of exhibitors
  • number of main exhibitors, co- exhibitors, represented companies
  • number of foreign and domestic exhibitors

Exhibition area:

  • measurement and type of the rented exhibition area
  • measurement of the exhibition area occupied by the event
  • number of congress events, seminars, workshops, etc

Conference activity:

  • number of congress events, seminars, workshops, etc

Certification is the only tool that endorses the transparency and impartiality of trade fair statistics.
The certified data are the guarantee of the real value of the events.